The survey is proving to entertaining and edifying. (it’s not too late to add your two cents!)
My favorite responses to “How can I improve Eleganthack?”
- “better looking”
- “naked photos of friends”
- “Smell-o-vision.”
- “Keep the site simple. I don’t come for layout and pictures, I come for the interesting content.”
- “less boring design maybe? ”
- “Keep the simplicity of your web site, it’s efficient”
- “Add pretty colours and graphical design… 😉 ”
- “the rambling logotype with bad fonts. “
- “Check your spelling…please!”
- “You don’t brag about Gabe enough. More Gabe! More Gabe! More Gabe!”
- “I still like underlined links.”
- “more personality”
Well, folks I’ll try to balance the design and undesign issues as best I can. I’ll talk to my friends about posing naked,and perhaps they’ll offer some oders for the smell-o-vision thing also. As for spelling, unless I magically get over dyslexia and learn to spell and type OR someone starts editing for me, I fear yr going to have to live with my bizarro spellings. And as for “more personality” — are you really ready for that?
In any case, the most common requests were
- go to grematter so we can add our coments
- move blog to the front page
- let me know what you have on the site and what’s new
- “make gleanings (and archives) easier to find, especially to people who just read the blog. i had been reading the blog for a long time before i found gleanings and like gleanings more than the blog”
Well, I promise you ALL of these will be addressed (hey, we’re already in greymatter). I’ve actually hated the front page rambling quote for some time now, and want to redo it, except it seems silly since I’m about to redo everything. But the blog *will* go to the front page, and that dang quote will go. And for those who don’t know I do a little newsletter called gleanings.
You may like it, if you like this blog.
Keep sending in your comments!
And by the way, Gabe is great! It’s such a pleasure to work with him! Every sunday I lie awake in bed ’cause I’m so excited to work with Gabe on Monday– it’s like Christmas eve! Gabe is the Santa Claus of UX!
(see, I told you I listen to your comments…)