Haven’t seen AI? Here’s a hint: when things freeze over, leave the theater. You’ll be happier. Seen it? […]

Haven’t seen AI? Here’s a hint: when things freeze over, leave the theater. You’ll be happier.

Seen it? Join the bitch-fest here: unHip: 07/03/2001: “A.I.: Entirely Artificial, Low Intelligence

And IA? (which is AI spelled backwards)

Well, let’s just say AI’s an interesting object lesson on what happens when you have two cheifs (even if one dies in the middle of the project). I suspect Spielberg was haunted by a ghost looking over his shoulder and dilluted his own –albeit cheesy– skills. I believe deeply in collaborative processes, but I also believe that every project artisitc or otherwise– needs a visionary to drive it forward and keep it cohesive, be it producer, director, CEO… IA?

addendum Karl Fast sent me this intriguing article on the non-making of AI. An interesting look at how movies end up the way they do.

The Masterpiece a Master Couldn’t Get Right