Amelie is One

IMG_1519 Originally uploaded by philippesar. And she gets to pick out her own cake


Originally uploaded by philippesar.

And she gets to pick out her own cake


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    a quarter of a year, one quarter of one’s existence.

    will come a point where she realizes how much time she has ahead of her, it will seem a vast amount of time; not knowing what multiples are, she’ll see that vast time without interval on order of multiples of her existence to that point. she’ll know she has time, she’ll know she has lots of time, and she’ll be impatient to begin.

    every day new things brought into her pool of experience. things touched, tasted, felt, on to new absorptions, upsetednesses, and delights incidental to her main stays: light, dark, movement, quiet, sense, and the people around her – all within wide span routine in a day that ends long, long after it began.

    she did not know her birthday, but she knew its celebration, and she knows the begining of the first interval of her life; the next marker, the interval then known, is a life time ahead of her.

    a belated happy birthday amelie
    best wishes for a long and happy life.

    alan madsen

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