From: Gleanings
To: The Multitude
Subject: Gleanings: Scrambling!
Sorry for the silence folks, been busy as a bee lately, and its going to get worse: I leave for acia 2000 tomorrow, and leave from there to go to Holland for a week. if I can get wired I’ll send y’all a hi…
Biggerhand seems to be contemplating his role in the world… it’s hard to be an art director!
Oh, And did I point to these? it’s nearly xmas, after all…
Creative Good’s new, free, Holiday 2000 E-Commerce Report:
The 1999 e-commerce report:
E-Commerce Times: Etailers to lose billions over holiday season
Almost half of all consumers trying to purchase online this Christmas
will leave websites without placing an order, according to a new
I call this not-news
Newsbytes: Websites not influencing voters
Campaign websites for the upcoming US presidential election are not
attracting undecided voters, according to a recent Jupiter Media Metrix
Tomalak seems to be on an AOL kick this morning, but they’re all pretty interesting….
Industry Standard: AOL’s Rough Riders.
“In the beginning, you’re like, ‘Hey, we’ve looked into this space and you’re
the best. If you hook up with us, you can really kick ass,'” says ex-AOL
dealmaker Phillip Zakas, who delivered the pitch many times. “I could be
saying that to three different companies at once, but it would always work.”,1151,19461,00.html
News.Com: AOL offers glimpse of music strategy.
Web portals struggling to harmonize their online music plans are closely
watching moves by America Online and Time Warner to create a music
subscription service, although the strategy may be more difficult for free
sites to pull off, analysts say.
Wired News: Online Music’s Strange Bedfellows.
But if their behavior is any indication, Nullsoft’s half-dozen star
programmers seem determined to keep their hacker spirit intact, scripting a
growing series of freely distributed software. And for now, in public at
least, AOL seems nonplussed by Nullsoft’s antics.,1367,39616,00.html
Some goodies from NUA as well…
ZDNet: Websites still too big
While web pages have decreased in size over the past few years, the
average website is still much larger than it should be.,4586,2640862,00.html
Yankee Group: Internet now a tool of the masses
With the online consumer population changing fast, the average Web user
is more likely to be a suburban housewife than a technology aficionado.
US Department of Commerce: US digital divide narrows
More Americans are using computers and the Internet than ever before,
according to a new report by the US Department of Commerce.
Half of US households now have a computer, while 41.5 percent have
Internet access, up 15 percent from last year. The report puts the US
online population at 116.5 million.
FAQ: PlayStation 2
A nerd’s-eye-view of the best thing ever
Smile. Relax. Doodle.
Notes from the presidential debate