
“A brand is the sum of the good, the bad, the ugly and the off-strategy. It is your […]

“A brand is the sum of the good, the bad, the ugly and the off-strategy. It is your best and worst product. It is your best and worst employee. It is communicated through award-winning advertising as well as those ads that somehow slipped through the approval cracks and sank anything riding on them. It is your on-hold music and the demeanor of the receptionist who puts that valued client or prospect on hold. It is the carefully crafted comments by a CEO as well as negative buzz by the water cooler or in chat rooms on the Internet. Brand is expressed through written, audio and visual content. It is interpreted through emotional filters every human being has—where anything can happen. Ultimately, you can’t control your brand. You can only hope to guide it.”

~Scott Bedbury

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  1. 1
    George Girton

    May I recommend the writings of John Sherry on brand? He’s at Notre dame and you can download most of his papers from his website. Stories and perceptions are important to a brand, which perhaps is why the topic is so fascinating. Cheers!

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