I’ve spending a bit more time online again, remembering the pleasures of using the computer for messing around– even surfing– and I’ve noticed a need for a couple features, one simple, one not-so.
I’m addicted to reading The Julie/Julia Project. But, like my experience with a couple other excellent serials (Bloggus Ceasari and Dive Into Mark for instance), I encounter two great frustrations.
1. Where to begin? Digging one’s way to the first post of a serial is ridiculously hard. If you’re doing a good job with a serial, you will get late-coming fans, as the publicity gets out. Why not make it easy for others to get caught up with a nice “start here” or “first post” button (and yes, I’m repeating myself… and ceasari did indeed respond)
2. How to bookmark? I suddenly appreciate I.E.’s nomenclature “favorites” because I now need true bookmarks— a way to note this is the place in the serial where I left off reading, so I can pick it up again. And this bookmark, unlike Netscape bookmarks, needs to be movable and eventually disposable.
One for the lazyweb? They would both be nice MT additions…