from Digital Web Magazine – An interview with Peter Morville and Lou Rosenfeld, Information Architects
“Digital Web: Many have stated they believe IA is only for content-rich sites like magazines, news, and search portals. Do you get the same impression from people on this view? What are your thoughts? Why should IA be done on other sites?
PM: Our personal backgrounds in library science and our passion for findability have led us to focus a good deal of our energy on content-rich sites. However, many other information architects focus on the design of highly interactive Web sites and software products where navigation and task completion go hand-in-hand.
LR: And let’s not forget that even in an application-rich site, you still have to find the right applications before using them.”
After hunting for “check spelling” in Adobe InDesign, Macromedia Dreamweaver and MS Word, I can tell you a little IA in software design would go a long way. And I never know what I’m going to find when I look under the “file” menu, beyond “save.”