Designing Sociability

I gave this short talk as a breakout discussion starter. I think what stewart>matt>gene are doing is awesome, […]

I gave this short talk as a breakout discussion starter. I think what stewart>matt>gene are doing is awesome, and I’d love to be the next link in the chain.

Also watch:

from rashmi

from gene


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  1. 3
    Andrew Hinton


    I’ve been convinced, for a very long time, that the design decisions you bring up here (and those brought up by Gene & Rashmi) are the ‘purest’ information architecture I can think of. Deciding not just what to call something or where to put it (or where to link it or whether or not to make it more or less visible), but how those infospace-shaping choices affect the people who use them and their collective work/play/life.
    I wonder what you think of that?

  2. 4

    When we sweep away titles and duties, and worries about who does what and who da man and all that crap…

    I still believe that it’s all about bringing the principals of architecture to information spaces.

    Especially the Christopher Alexander ones… human and humane spaces.

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