BW Online | May 17, 2004 | The Power Of Design
After just seven weeks with IDEO, Kaiser realized its long-range growth plan didn’t require building lots of expensive new facilities. What it needed was to overhaul the patient experience. Kaiser learned from IDEO that seeking medical care is much like shopping — it is a social experience shared with others. So it needed to offer more comfortable waiting rooms and a lobby with clear instructions on where to go; larger exam rooms, with space for three or more people and curtains for privacy, to make patients comfortable; and special corridors for medical staffers to meet and increase their efficiency. “IDEO showed us that we are designing human experiences, not buildings,”
An excelelnt article. The magazine version is worth buying, as the photos and charts are rather nice. I had to go to a couple stores to try to buy it– it’s selling out across the silicon valley.