yahoo cares

Yahoo! Feedback is a survey where you tell Yahoo how much you love pop-unders. now go…. (thanks, Jeff […]

Yahoo! Feedback is a survey where you tell Yahoo how much you love pop-unders. now go….

(thanks, Jeff Lash!)


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  1. 1
    Brad Lauster

    I thought about writing that I prevent pop-ups by adding sites to my restricted site zone in IE and that I turn off pop-ups in Mozilla, but I thought that might make them think pop-up/unders were ok.

  2. 2

    X10 ads are ubiquitous, and detract from my experience of using the Internet & Yahoo. Yahoo is one of the better contributions to the web; Popunder/x10 ads and spam are examples of unscrupulous detracting subtractions from the web. You do your selves and your users a disservice by enabling these ads. Take a leaf out of Google’s book and find a way to enable promotions that do not devalue your own service but retain (& probably enhance) the value for advertisers. Fighting banner blindness is an escalating battle – don’t take part, give me what I want, clearly demarcated relevant ads/sponsorships that don’t interfere (no extra wait/extra clicks) with my primary use of your service. If your ads are valuable I will learn to look at them.

  3. 3

    I have run across a couple of folks that have learned the alt-tab and then alt-F4 on Windows machines as a quick kill method of destruction of those annoying adds. These are people that never knew a one keystroke as they did nearly everything by mouse click. The loathing of the pop-up or pop-under ads cause a new learned behavior.

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