
Red Scare – Stay away from that Beaujolais Nouveau, sucker. By Mike Steinberger “Why it was decided to make […]

Red Scare – Stay away from that Beaujolais Nouveau, sucker. By Mike Steinberger

“Why it was decided to make the region’s humblest juice — a wine mainly borne of its worst vineyards, a wine barely removed from the fermentation vat, a wine that is nothing more than pleasantly tart barroom swill — its international standard bearer is a question that will undoubtedly puzzle marketing students for generations to come. ”

Nouveau is a headache recipe. Just don’t do it. As well, I’d say stay away form the moulin a vent… it often has a barnyard quality that is off-putting to american palettes. try a bottle of tasty morgon instead.


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    Laurent Goffin

    Congratulation to finaly find out the truth about the quality of the Beajolais Nouveau… But if you want the real truth, here are a few advice :

    The production is actually 75 000 00 Liters and out of those 75 000 000 liters, 500 000 are good 😉

    IF you want the name of the really good :
    Domaine du Vivier Jean Christophe Boudot
    Domaine des Terres Dorées Jean Paul Brun
    Domaine du Tracot Jean Paul Dubost
    Domaine du Vissoux Pierre Marie Chermette
    Domaine Marcel Lapierre
    Château des Jacques
    Jean Claude Lapalu
    Domaine Joubert

    Even if the Beaujolais Nouveau is not a fine wine, it’s a funny tradition to drink this wine in November… it’s more a friendly event than a great degustation moment.

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