fact or fiction?

guess it’s a nng day today: reading Don Norman’s interviews I discovered “The article quotes me as saying: […]

guess it’s a nng day today: reading Don Norman’s interviews I discovered

“The article quotes me as saying: “But in Cambridge I became so frustrated with British water taps and switches and door handles – those awful sideways handles on many British doors that catch your sleeves. They don’t exist in the US.”
I actually said “But in Cambridge I became so frustrated with British water taps and switches and doors. The most frustrating thing about it was that no one seemed to care.” The rest was added — I didn’t say it. ”

Holy cow. This is immoral. indecent. plain old fashioned WRONG.


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  1. 3

    designers and graphic designers? Did the fiction company org chart folks have no imagination then?

    nice blog! strong voice. and I can’t say if black belt jones is cooler than clemet mok, but he certainly could make the calendar of “the men of IA” if you get my drift.

    hi matt!

  2. 4

    That’s the thing about those cross-cultural differences, Don, no one in the native culture cares because it’s not wrong for them.

    As an American, I’m amazed at the obvious design failings of the German “shelf” toilet. Yet, to Germans, this is clearly a perfectly correct and appropriate way to design the thing.

  3. 5
    George Olsen

    btw, the Wall Street Journal just had an article on Oct. 17 about the British water taps. Interestingly it’s changing — albeit slowly — in part by Brits who’ve discovered there are alternatives while on holiday. But many still prefer the traditional version, percisely because it’s traditional.

    As to being misquoted… regrettably that’s a part of being interviewed, normally due to mistakes rather than malice. The problem is once a mistake gets into print it’s really hard to set the record straight since the mistake gets repeated endlessly.

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