Building Strong Brands

Building Strong Brands Brand, Like IA is a hard to define field and absolutely essential to a web-businesses […]

coverBuilding Strong Brands Brand, Like IA is a hard to define field and absolutely essential to a web-businesses success (to any business’s success) This book explains brand in a language that anyone can understand without talking down to anyone. Truly a book for novices and experts, and that’s a rare distinction. Don’t trust me, have a taste.

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  1. 1

    Agreed – this is a pretty clear book. Especially the chapter at the end about measuring brand qualities is interesting. What puzzles me though is: where is the real research about branding? It obviously works, but everything that’s being written about it seems to sit in the dodgy category. Where are the social sciences on this one?

    I know branding originally came from social sciences using ethnographic and other techniques to find out why people buy things, but it seems since then it has been taken over by the buzzwording idiots of the marketing world? Is there current research going on? The only research I’ve seen is Paco Hills’ Why we buy book, which is more about usability than about branding.

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